Superfood Series: Chia Seeds

Ah chia seeds…they may be familiar through the old chia pets. Who doesn’t love growing grassy stuff out of your favorite character’s head right? I actually still own a Hello Kitty chia pet. Anyways, those chia seeds are not what everyone in the health community is talking about. The ones we are going to be discussing in this article are harvested for human consumption. Usually organic and GMO (genetically modified organisms) free.


These little buggers may be tiny, but just 2 tablespoons pack a real nutrition punch! Oh yes, just one ounce has roughly the following:

11 grams of fiber
4 grams of protein
9 grams of fat (5 of which are omega-3)
18% calcium
30% manganese
30% magnesium
27% phosphorus
B vitamins, antioxidants, and zinc

Crazy right?! Almost all of the carbs in those things are fiber! They also have a good amount of protein. Calculated by weight, about 14% of your daily value of protein can come from just two tablespoons of chia seeds!  Now let’s adress those nutrition benefits seperately.

First on the list is fiber. Fiber is used in the digestive tract to move things along, so yes it’s quite important in a balanced diet. All that fiber causes the seeds to expand about 10-12 times their size when exposed to liquids (either before you eat them or in your tummy). This, in turn, fills you up and decreases appetite. Fiber also feeds the good bacteria in the intestines, keeping your gut bugs nice and happy!

Protein. We all know that we need protein. Either from meats or other sources. Chia seeds are perfect for vegans or those who don’t consume a lot of meat. Protein keeps you full for longer, and has been shown to decrease obsessive thoughts of food, and nighttime snacking (a problem for me).

Fats. Now a know what you’re thinking. Fats are bad! No! Your body needs some fats. The chia seeds have omega-3 fats, which benefit hair and nail growth and help control weight.

Calcium, Manganese, Phosphorus, and Magnesium. These four nutrients found in chia seeds are very good for you. Especially your bones, which we all have and need to live. Most know that calcium comes from dairy or other superfoods (Kale, Collards, Nuts). The above mentioned nutrients have been shown (over time) to increase bone density and strength. So if you’re clumsy like me, or just want healthy framework, this is good.

Antioxidants. These are mentioned frequently in the health world. Why? They reduce the free radicals in your body! Always helpful for the immune system.

So just to clarify, chia seeds are good for you. There’s a reason it’s called a superfood! I’ll be adding a recipe, if you like pudding, check it out!


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